Denim Latic | IUT Nancy-Brabois

Denim is currently finishing his bachelor's degree in Network and Telecommunications, with a specialisation in cybersecurity, at the IUT Nancy-Brabois in Nancy, France. In parallel, he is working as a Security Analyst at the Restena Foundation in Luxembourg.
Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and Denim constantly endeavours to do his best to be able to face new and reoccurring threats in the cyberspace. Furthermore, he is enthusiastic about raising awareness on cybersecurity related issues to both small and large audiences.
Through the Restena Foundation, Denim is working on two projects funded by the ECCC (The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre) - namely the LuCySe4RE (Enhancing Cybersecurity Services for the Luxembourgish Research and Education Community), and NGSOTI (Next Generation Security Operation Training Infrastructure).