Project and community courses
This page will help you to locate project and community training events and activities, as well as access online resources. You will find all courses currently available in the Open registrations section. Selecting a course will take you straight to the registration page.
You can also pre-register for courses and indicate your interest in attending a future session. The GÉANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will then notify you directly when new course dates become available.
Please note: When looking to register or pre-register for courses, check first if the course is eligible for project members only or available to the whole community. Courses highlighted below as "(Project only)" are only eligible for project members.
The Online resources section is an ever developing section that will provide you with access to a wealth of e-learning, online content and helpful resources.
If you have any questions regarding courses offered here or any future training you would like to see run, please contact GLAD.
The GLAD eAcademy is an online learning space created by the community for the community. It is continually growing with technical and personal development courses. Resources currently available:- Network Automation eAcademy
- Quantum Technology
- Trust and Identity
- Software Development/Software Licensing
- Product Lifecycle Management
- Presentation Skills
- Train the Trainer
- Leadership and Management
- Visualisation Skills
- Communication Skills