GEM's purpose

Attract and retain talent in our community

Provide career development and networking opportunities for everyone

Help better understand and navigate the diverse and complex domain of research and education networking


If you have any questions contact us.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring has proven to be one of the most effective methods for achieving personal and professional growth, whether you're a mentor or a mentee. It's a learning and development partnership between someone with specific experience (a mentor), and someone who wants to learn or develop (a mentee).

Mentoring entails a series of structured conversations through which a mentor guides a mentee - offering insights, skills and networks that are crucial for personal and professional development.

Why participate in GEM?

Benefits: Mentee

Access to a wealth of knowledge and experience

Enhances skill development

Honest, constructive, and motivational guidance

Increases visibility across the organisation and community

Benefits: Mentor

Drives self-awareness

Expands professional network

Improves leadership skills

Increases awareness of talent throughout the organisation and community

GEM platform demo

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