Future Talent Programme

Applications are now closed, but if you wish to discuss registration contact the GLAD team via the online form.


Who can participate in the programme?
Any early career candidate nominated by a GÉANT member NREN, studying at a university or college in a GÉANT partner country, or working at a GÉANT NREN.
Why should we take part?
The Future Talent Programme is a successful initiative that has previously connected bright young minds with their local NREN community. As an NREN, the programme provides great exposure in the R&E community, and highlights the talent in your institutions.
How many candidates can you nominate?
A maximum of three candidates per NREN, (subject to number of candidates on the programme). There are 24 places available for FTP25.
What kind of candidates should NRENs look for?
Undergraduate, Master and PhD students. As the programme is designed to foster young talent in the community, candidates should be students or early career professionals with a maximum of five years' work experience.
What kind of topics should the student propose for a Lightning Talk?
A Lightning Talk focuses on one key point and tells its story in five short minutes! This can be an idea, a successful project, cautionary story, collaboration invitation, quick tip or demonstration. The submissions can be based on any research or innovation which addresses a technical, economic, legal, security or environmental aspect of computer networking or technology. The proposals should be easy to understand for everyone, avoid technical language and be relevant to the world of R&E networking.

We welcome proposals that follow the TNC25 theme of “Brighter Together”. TNC25 will explore breakthroughs in cybersecurity, international partnerships, and network resilience, focusing on future-proof solutions to address current and future challenges.

View previous Lightning Talks by FTP alumni >
How does selection and recruitment take place?
NRENs must select and nominate up to three candidates by 6 February 2025. All nominated candidates who adhere to the programme requirements will be admitted to the Future Talent Programme (maximum of 24 participants). Priority may be given to applications from NRENs who have not previously participated in the programme.

Acceptance of the participant's proposal for the Lightning Talk programme at TNC will be the exclusive decision of the TNC Programme Committee. Participants compete with all other proposals submitted for the conference. Successful proposals are selected based on originality and clarity.
How do you nominate a candidate?
Applications are now closed, but if you wish to discuss registration contact the GLAD team via the online form.
What is expected of an NREN host and mentor?
Your role as an NREN mentor is to engage with your candidate regularly during the programme, provide encouragement and facilitate networking opportunities within the local community to support their research. You will also review and support the student’s Lightning Talk proposal.

If your candidate is selected as an FTP finalist to present at TNC25, we encourage you, or a nominated colleague, to attend TNC to support them and facilitate networking opportunities during the conference.

You will book and/or fund the student's travel costs to attend TNC. The travel and expense costs can be reclaimed from the GN5 Project (WP1 - T5), following the usual GÉANT project claimant rules and procedures.

GLAD organises and funds the FTP finalists' hotel accommodation and conference fees for attendance at TNC.
What is the duration of the programme?
The programme runs from March - June 2025 and includes professional presentation workshops for all participants. Training workshops will run from April - May 2025. Finalists complete further training to prepare their Lightning Talks for TNC25.
What is the role of GLAD?
GLAD is committed to providing training workshops designed to improve participants' public speaking skills and prepare them for presenting their research at TNC25.

GLAD is the contact point for NRENs and students throughout the programme and beyond (by supporting FTP alumni).

FAQs for students

What is GÉANT and what is an NREN?
GÉANT is the pan-European network that delivers high-performance connectivity and advanced services to more than 50 million research and education users across 40 European countries.

National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are specialised internet service providers dedicated to supporting the needs of the research and education communities within their own country.
Why should I join the Future Talent Programme?
You will learn how to pitch your innovative ideas and deliver a powerful presentation. Previous FTP students have called these ‘skills for life’ that are used in their work today. The professional training workshops provide a positive environment to learn together and build a network of peers.

FTP25 participants have the chance to raise their profile in the industry and make important connections for their research. FTP finalists present their research to industry experts at TNC25. Additionally, all participants are invited to showcase their research in a self-recorded video, to be published through GÉANT media channels to help raise their profile in the industry.

As FTP24 students say “go for it”!
How can I participate?
Applications are now closed, but if you wish to discuss registration contact the GLAD team via the online form.
What are the requirements of the programme?
By taking part in the FTP25 programme, participants commit to:

Follow the FTP timelines, including:

  • Submit a video of your five minute Lightning Talk to GLAD by 24 February 2025.
  • Submit a Lightning Talk proposal to TNC by 11 March 2025
Be contactable throughout the programme.

Attend all presentation coaching sessions and prepare ahead of each session (April - June 2025). Develop and rehearse your presentations between sessions.

If selected as a finalist, be available to travel to Brighton, UK, 9-13 June 2025 and participate in the programme of events.

Complete the evaluation survey and become a valuable member of the FTP alumni! (Post programme).
What is the Lightning Talk Challenge?
The FTP Lightning Talk Challenge offers students and young professionals a fantastic opportunity to present their project or idea to an international audience at GÉANT's annual TNC conference. A Lightning Talk focuses on one key point and tells its story in five short minutes!

All FTP candidates submit a proposal for an idea, project or research to be shared. Submissions are reviewed by the TNC Programme Committee and successful applicants are advised by late March 2025. If successful, you will travel to TNC25 in Brighton, to take centre stage and share your idea!
What topic should I propose?
Proposals can be your original idea, a successful project, cautionary story, collaboration invitation, quick tip or demonstration. The submissions can be based on any research or innovation which addresses a technical, economic, legal, security or environmental aspect of computer networking or technology. The proposals should be easy to understand, avoid technical language and be relevant to the world of R&E networking.

We welcome proposals that follow the TNC25 theme of “Brighter Together”. TNC25 will explore breakthroughs in cybersecurity, international partnerships, and network resilience, focusing on future-proof solutions to address current and future challenges.

Your local NREN mentor or the GLAD team will be on hand to review your proposed topics.

For more information see previous Lightning Talks by FTP alumni.
How do I submit my Lightning Talk to TNC?
Participants must submit their Lightning Talk proposal to the TNC Programme Committee by 11 March 2025 (submissions open 5 February 2025).

Proposal abstracts should include:

Presentation title.

Presentation description.

Presenter’s name and affiliation.

Submission will be reviewed by the TNC25 Programme Committee and FTP finalists will be notified by the end of March 2025.
I am a finalist, how do I arrange travel to TNC25?
Congratulations! Your local NREN will fund the costs of your travel to TNC and claim those costs from GÉANT’s GN5-2 Project. Ask your NREN contact whether you should make the booking yourself, or whether they will book for you directly.

GÉANT (GLAD) will book and pay for your hotel and conference attendance fees. Keep all receipts for food and travel expenses during TNC and claim the cost back from your local NREN.

More details can be found in your Volunteer Agreement.

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