Trust and Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme

Attracting emerging talent to the field of trust and identity

What is TIM?

The Trust and Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme (TIM) is an exciting initiative that brings together ambitious young minds with industry experts to develop innovative solutions in trust and identity (T&I). The programme aims to develop the next generation of T&I researchers and explore innovative new T&I concepts, products and services.

The TIM Programme is a seven-month paid mentorship funded by the GÉANT GN5-2 project (which is supported by the European Commission and GÉANT's member NRENs). It is developed for young professionals with a passion for T&I who are studying, (or are recent graduates of), computer science, engineering or a related field.

*Applications for TIM 2025 are now closed. Watch this space for details of TIM 2026 coming in autumn 2025. To find out more about the programme get in touch via the contact form.


25 November 2024 – Applications open
24 January 2025 – Deadline for submissions *Applications now closed*
February 2025 – TIM selection process
Early March 2025 – On-boarding for successful TIM 2025 participants
End March 2025 – Incubator cycle team kick off meeting
March 2025 – TIM 2025 programme starts
September 2025 – End of the incubator cycle and TIM 2025 programme
TIM 2023 incubator team

Who can apply

We're looking for Bachelors, Masters, or PhD students, or recent graduates in computer science, engineering, or related tech fields.

Applicants will be registered at a university in a GÉANT partner country or an early career professional in the NREN community.


Strong academic background in the field of technology.

Keen interest in trust and identity.

Available up to three days a week, for seven months from the project start date.

Available to attend the kickoff meeting (Central European location).

Good command of English, both spoken and written.

Applicants must be nominated and registered by a GÉANT Member NREN.

Application process

NRENs promote the programme to their member universities and research institutions and identify candidates.

Alternatively, students and young professionals can be connected to their local NREN via the GLAD team.

The student's local NREN will review their proposal and identify a local mentor.

Applications are submitted via an online form.

Applications should include:

Student’s CV.

Student’s motivation letter.

Sponsoring NREN’s motivation letter.


"I belonged to a team that worked on webwallets that store and manage verifiable credentials mostly for people in research and education. It was a wonderful experience because I got to work with novel and cutting edge technologies along with a team of helpful and nice people."
Domonkos Baczó | Hungary


"Being part of the incubator team was a great learning experience. It was great to be part of an international community. I am grateful for this opportunity and hope that other students can benefit from being part of the programme!"
Anna Kardos | Hungary


“The exposure to diverse tasks and technologies has broadened my skill set, providing a solid foundation for future pursuits. The TIM programme not only equipped me with technical expertise, but also cultivated a range of transferable skills crucial for success in any professional setting.”
Aleksandr Petrunin | Cyprus


“Being a part of the TIM programme was an excellent experience for me. The topic of my work was Enabling WebAuthn technology for SATOSA, which was also a topic of my Bachelor thesis. The people in the incubator were very kind. I thank them for providing this great experience and the understanding they had.”
Ondřej Ernst | Czechia

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Benefits to students

The Trust and Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme offers a fantastic opportunity to develop an innovative project on a European scale, guided by industry experts.

TIM presents a unique chance for learning and professional growth, including:

A paid professional mentorship (which can be combined with thesis writing).

Collaboration with an international team of trust and identity experts.

Support from a local mentor.

Training and skills development, including public speaking.

Professional networking opportunities.
Benefits for NRENs

TIM enables NRENs to build local trust and identity expertise, learn from experienced SMEs, develop new products and services, and potentially expand their service portfolios. It also strengthens relationships with member institutions and connects with the next generation of talent.

To be eligible to participate, NRENs must:

Be a member of the GÉANT GN5.2 project.

Provide a mentor to support the participant. The mentor should commit half to one day per week over the seven month period. (Time will be reimbursed).

Facilitate and administer a paid mentorship. (Per local HR and legal requirements).

Students and mentors both receive compensation for their time working in the incubator, and the process of reimbursements is defined under the financial rules of the GÉANT GN5.2 project.
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