Community Programme

Collaboration across experts in different geographic locations and disciplines is crucial to the GÉANT community. The GÉANT Community Programme (GCP) with Task Forces (TFs), Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and special workshops and trainings assist GÉANT, NRENs and other R&E bodies to collaborate and share experiences. The GCP guides future developments of networking services, technology and also a variety of non-technical topics for the GÉANT community.

The GCP is a grassroots, voluntary initiative built by world experts from NRENs, user organisations, research institutions, commercial and industrial sectors.  TFs and SIGs provide an effective framework for forums to share information and best practices and to discuss possible innovations and further developments of services.

The thematic areas currently supported by the GCP are listed in the dedicated web page.

The Community Programme Portfolio includes different activities, specialised groups and workshops.

find out more

Current members of the GÉANT Community Committee (GCC)

The GÉANT Community Committee has oversight of the GÉANT Community Programme.

The objectives of the GCC are to:

  • Mutually assist NRENs in providing students, lecturers and scientists the best possible Internet and ICT facilities, by e.g. sharing ideas, best practices, harmonising procedures, picking the best technologies, or jointly tackling an issue;
  • Acting as a bridge maker between GÉANT and users in matters related to community-driven collaborative initiatives.
Claudio Allocchio, GARR (Chair)

Claudio Allocchio, GARR (Chair)
Security, Network RTC

Paul Rouse, GÉANT (Chair)

Paul Rouse, GÉANT (Chair)
Strategy, Business, Commercial

Alexander van den Hil, SURF

Alexander van den Hil, SURF
Strategy, Community, Networking

Claudio Pisa, GARR

Claudio Pisa, GARR
Cloud, Network

Erik Kikkenborg, NORDUnet

Erik Kikkenborg, NORDUnet
Education, Multimedia

János Mohácsi, KIFÜ

János Mohácsi, KIFÜ
Network, GPPC, EOSC

David Groep, NIKHEF / AEGIS

David Groep, NIKHEF / AEGIS
Grid, HPC

Victoriano Giralt, Uni Malaga/Groningen Declaration

Victoriano Giralt, Uni Malaga/Groningen Declaration
T&I, Universities, EUNIS

Marialuisa Lavitrano, Unimib

Marialuisa Lavitrano, Unimib

The GCC operates under the auspices of the General Assembly via the agreed terms of reference.

All official public files for the GCC are stored on Box.

More information about GCC meetings and past members can be found on the wiki page.

Vision & Mission

Connected, collaborative and harmonised research and education networking community.

Provide optimal conditions for the R&E networking communities to collaborate both face-to-face and virtually. Create mechanisms to enable participation and inclusion.

The Community Programme Strategy is outlined here.
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