Network Special Interest Group

SIG-TFN: Time & Frequency Network

Providing a forum for the community working around time and frequency distribution across NRENs

SIG-TFN (Time and Frequency Network) aims to gather and exchange experiences, ideas and knowledge on the development, deployment, testing and standardisation of Time and Frequency solutions, leading to the development of a Core-Time and Frequency Network (C-TFN). The SIG has an advisory role to GÉANT GPPC and relevant project management/coordination function.

Main aims of the SIG-TFN:

  • To provide a forum for gathering and exchanging experiences, ideas and knowledge on the development, deployment, testing and standardisation of Time and Frequency distribution across R&E networks, with a particular focus on interoperability. This will be achieved through group meetings (online and face-to-face), the use of online collaborative tools, collating and dissemination of information or organising pilot projects.
  • To define agreed objectives and commitment levels related to the operation and management of a Time and Frequency Network.
  • To define an agreed data management plan and having a common repository for information and data.
  • To create a federated access to repositories and data.
  • To make recommendations and play the role of a technical adviser.

SIG-TFN sustainability working group


Richard Lui (WG leader)
Raphaël Marion
Christian Chardonnet
Wojbor Bogacki
Christian Lisdat
Davide Calonico


  • Investigate a path to sustainability of the CLONETS-DS C-TFN, both for GÉANT and for participating NRENs and NMIs.
  • Carry out cost modelling to identify the extent of the future funding needs for fibre and flywheels.
  • Shepard funding through governance of GN5-2.
  • Engage EURAMET, NRENs, GÉANT and the European Commission to find solutions to long-term funding.

SIG-TFN technical working group


Guy Roberts (WG leader)
Jeroen Koelemeij
Jochen Kronjaeger
Raphaël Marion
Krzysztof Turza
Jacques-Olivier Gaudron


  • Expand on the CLONETS-DS architecture and integrate lessons learnt from PTB-PSNC pathfinder.
  • Investigate if tiers of flywheel performance are needed e.g. NMI flywheel, NREN flywheel, etc.
  • Prepare a C-TFN architecture.
  • Prepare a technical specification for the C-TFN flywheels.
  • Prepare a technical specification for the GÉANT cross-border fibre links.


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.

SIG-TFN Steering Committee

Guy Roberts (GÉANT)

Paolo Bolletta (GARR)

Josef Vojtech (CESNET)

Krzyztof Turza (PSNC)

Jacques-Olivier Gaudron (NPL)

Christian Chardonnet (REFIMEVE)

Coordinators: Domenico Vicinanza (GÉANT) and Nadelina Sandu (GÉANT)

More information

Learn more about this activity ​and how to get involved in meetings. Visit the SIG-TFN wiki.

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