SIG-MSP web graphic
Business practices Special Interest Group

SIG-MSP: Management of Serv​​​ice Portfolios​

Supporting management across the product life cycle and sharing service ideas

The Special Interest Group on Management of Service Portfolios (SIG-MSP) promotes collaboration between research and education networking organisations in Europe and other regions, on the topics of strategic, business and cooperative management of services.

The group provides a forum in which:​

  • ​Issues that arise at the boundary between management and technical aspects of service management can be explored.
  • Inputs, discussions, ideas and feedback are provided that ultimately help participants in their business-as-usual with their own target groups, users, other target communities and individual stakeholders.
  • Feedback is provided on initiatives that can serve as inspiration or recommendations for follow up within the GÉANT Project or other initiatives.


Image: Adobe Stock

SIG-MSP Steering Committee

Chair: Martin Bech (DeIC)

Esther Seidl-Nussbaumer (Switch)

Harri Kuusisto (CSC/Funet)

Alberto Pérez (RedIRIS)

Mark Tysom (Jisc)

Michel Wets (SURFnet)

Coordinators: Annabel Grant (GÉANT) and Nadelina Sandu (GÉANT)

More information

Learn more about this activity ​and how to get involved in meetings. Visit the SIG-MSP​​ wiki​.

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