Margherita Soldaini | Università degli Studi di Firenze di Architettura

Supported by GARR

Margherita Soldaini
Margherita Soldaini

Margherita earned her master's degree in Architecture from the University of Florence, and participated in a post-graduate scholarship at Consortium GARR. Her fields of interest are digitisation of the built heritage for the valorisation and dissemination of culture heritage, and digital conversion as a method for archiving, processing and sharing data through information and communication technologies.


Research has highlighted that although learning about cultural heritage still relies on text and pictures, physical objects are more effective, extending beyond conceptual experiences. Virtual representations of 3D objects cannot often support the attributes of physicality that may be valuable, for instance, in the reconstruction processes of a monument.

Margherita's research proposes the creation of accessible digital archives and their dissemination and valorisation. The main case study will examine the Church of St. Augustine and the Oratory of Blessed Becchetti in Fabriano, Italy, abandoned after an earthquake in 2016. The church has undergone numerous restorations, but historical evidence allows insight in to its original forms. The digital archive will give easy access to the models of the reconstructive hypotheses, using innovations in research and development in the practice of cultural heritage to ensure high-resolution images, metadata and 3D models. These tools enable us to learn more about abandoned places through the dissemination of content and information, promoting the preservation of the architectural and artistic heritage.

Models will be available for download, editing, and 3D printing for interdisciplinary uses, dedicated to visually impaired people, useful for the process of study and comprehensive tactile perception for students, curious people and scholars.

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