Coordinating training, services and knowledge-exchange for security teams worldwide
The Task Force on Computer Security Incident Response Teams, TF-CSIRT, provides a forum where members of the CSIRT community from the research and education networking community and other sectors, such as defence and law enforcement agencies, from around the world, exchange experiences and knowledge in a trusted environment in order to improve cooperation and coordination.
Computer security incidents require fast and effective responses from the organisations concerned. CSIRTs are responsible for receiving and reviewing incident reports, and responding to them as appropriate. TF-CSIRT promotes collaboration and coordination between CSIRTs whilst liaising with relevant organisations at the global level such as FIRST, ENISA, other regional CSIRT organisations.
TF-CSIRT develops and provides services for CSIRTs, promotes the use of common standards and procedures for handling security incidents, and coordinates joint initiatives where appropriate. This includes the training of CSIRT staff (TRANSITS), and assisting in the establishment and development of new CSIRTs. It maintains a system for registering and accrediting CSIRTs (Trusted Introducer), as well as certifying service standards.